Monday, 16 February 2015

Mystery Quilt 1 - Step 2

This week we are going to construct the flying geese units

A                          B                        C

1. Take two 2.5" Fabric A squares and one of the Fabric B 2.5" x 4.5" rectangles. 
    Mark one diagonal on the wrong side of the fabric A squares. 

2.  Take one of the Fabric A squares and place it right side to right side onto one end of the Fabric B rectangle as shown.

3. Stitch along the marked diagonal line

4.  Trim a 1/4" seam allowance and press the corner out.

5.  Place the other Fabric A square right side to right side on the other end of the Fabric B rectangle

6. Stitch along the marked diagonal line as before. Trim a 1/4" seam 

7.   Press open 

8. Take another Fabric B rectangle and position as shown. It is going to sit above the point of the triangle

9. With right sides together, stitch in place to make a 4.5" x 4.5" square

10.  Repeat with the remaining 2.5" Fabric A squares and 2.5" x 4.5" Fabric B rectangles to make a total of 20 of these flying geese units.

See you next Monday for the part 3 of the quilt instructions. 


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