Monday, 23 February 2015

Mystery Quilt - Step 3

Today, let's make a complete block

A                B                 C

We are going to take the 6.5" half square triangle blocks and the 2.5" x 18.5" strips to make this larger scale block. There are 4 of them in my finished quilt
Use scant 1/4 " seams to sew all the units together

1. Take 6 of the 6.5" half square triangle blocks and position as shown.

Strip 1                  Strip 2

2. Sew the half square triangles together to make the two mirrored 18" x 6.5" units as shown below.


3.  Take the 18.5" x 2.5" strips in fabrics B and C  and position as shown. Sew together to make a the 18.5 x 6.5 unit shown below.

4. Now to construct the block. Take the two half square triangle strips and place on either side ot the 18.5 x 6.5" strip. Fabric A triangle is next to fabric C.

Sew together to make the finished 18.5" x 18.5" block
Repeat to make the other 3 blocks

This is a good size for a cushion cover and I will post instructions for a simple cushion construction in a couple of weeks.

It is lovely that some of you are piecing along with me. These are some fabric choices I have been shown and I can't wait to see the finished quilts. 



See you next week

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