Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Sampling Again

A few more samples which I have been busy on over the last couple of days.
It is always interesting to have a go at new stitches and there are a few here that I have not done before. 
I find that I can quite easily revert back to using just a few favourite stitches,  so having a go at some new ones can be quite rewarding.

 From the top there is  - Whipped Back Stitch
                                    Whipped Stem Stitch
                            Pekinese Stitch
                                 Raised Chain Band
                                       Chequered Chain Band
                                             Double  Herringbone Stitch
                                               Threaded Herringbone Stitch 
                            Guilloche Stitch

  I then went on to play with combining stitches to make patterns which I can use in the crazy quilting. 
I have worked it using perle threads on silk but I think that it would be better in stranded cottons and silks. 

And to finish off I have been adding more flowers to the  small 'hot border' embroidery 

Lots of hand work this week.

Do you have a favourite stitch?



  1. I adore the 'hot' border - those stitches are beautiful!

    1. Hi Sarah, Thanks for coming to the exhibition, lovely to see you there

  2. hiya bev, oooh, I love that hot border, lovely painted background too.

    1. Hi Tina, It was lovely to meet you yesterday, Thank you for coming to our exhibition
